Running you own LLM using Ollama


Olama hosts LLM models and allows you to interact with them all locally

openwebui is a nice gui front end for Ollama and models


Download Ollama on Linux


Open WebUI


Run Through

Ran from an Aws Vm, the basic Micro doesn’t have enough /tmp space and you have to fudge around with things.

The quickest solution is uping the instance type to something with more power a t2.xlarge seems to work well

Bundled install

curl -fsSL | sh
yum install pip -y 
pip install ollama
ollama run llama3.1

Install Ollama – Shell

curl -fsSL | sh

by following instructions on Download Ollama on Linux

Install Ollama – Pip

yum install pip pip install ollama

Install a LLM Model

ollama run llama3.1

find model in library and copy command

To check what LLM models you have and other stuff on Ollama

$ ollama list
NAME            ID              SIZE    MODIFIED
llama3.1:latest 42182419e950    4.7 GB  38 minutes ago
gemma2:2b       8ccf136fdd52    1.6 GB  2 hours ago
$ ollama
  ollama [flags]
  ollama [command]
Available Commands:
  serve       Start ollama
  create      Create a model from a Modelfile
  show        Show information for a model
  run         Run a model
  pull        Pull a model from a registry
  push        Push a model to a registry
  list        List models
  ps          List running models
  cp          Copy a model
  rm          Remove a model
  help        Help about any command
  -h, --help      help for ollama
  -v, --version   Show version information
Use "ollama [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Passing Input files – Bash

$ cat /home/ollama_files/helloworld_testfile       i have 5 oranges and 2 apples
if i eat 4 oranges and 1 apple
how much is left?
$ cat /home/ollama_files/helloworld_testfile | ollama run gemma2:2b  "prompt"
Here's how to figure out the remaining fruit:
Oranges Left: You started with 5 oranges, and you ate 4, so you have
5 - 4 = 1 orange left.
Apples Left:  You started with 2 apples, and you ate 1, leaving you
with 2 - 1 = 1 apple.
Answer: You have 1 orange and 1 apple left. 🍊🍎

Passing Input files – Python

# cat ./
import ollama
notes = "helloworld_testfile"
with open(notes,'r') as file:
my_prompt = f"give me the answer {content}"
response = ollama.generate(model="gemma2:2b", prompt=my_prompt)
actual_response = response["response"]
#  ./
Here's how to solve that:
Oranges: You started with 5, and you ate 4, so you have 5 - 4 = 1 orange left.
Apples: You started with 2, and you ate 1, so you have 2 - 1 = 1 apple left.
Answer: You have 1 orange and 1 apple left.

Quick Chat

$ ollama run gemma2:2b
>>> tell me a joke
Why don't scientists trust atoms?
Because they make up everything! 😄
Let me know if you want to hear another one! 😊
>>> Send a message (/? for help)

Creating a Pocket of Magic: How to Spark Change in Your Team and Environment

Change, whether in life or in the workplace, is never easy, especially when we don’t feel in control. But here’s the secret: you don’t have to be in a position of authority to create powerful change. You can spark it from within your team and environment, influencing not just the people around you but even your boss. It starts with small, intentional actions that create a ripple effect—what Simon Sinek refers to as “a pocket of magic.”

Here’s how to create that magic and spark lasting change in your environment.

Focus on the Behavior Around You

Often, we wait for someone at the top to drive change, especially in professional settings. But real change doesn’t always start from the top. It begins right where you are—by focusing on your team, the people beside you, and yes, even your boss.

When you actively shape the behavior in your immediate environment, you influence how your peers act, think, and respond. Your small, consistent actions create a pocket of magic—a space where positivity, creativity, and progress thrive.

Here’s how you can start:

  • Model the Behavior You Want to See: Want a more collaborative and open team? Start by being more collaborative and open yourself. When you actively listen, share ideas freely, and offer help, others will begin to mirror that behavior.
  • Build Trust and Transparency: Whether it’s through one-on-one conversations or team discussions, being open about challenges and triumphs creates a safe space for others to do the same. This builds a foundation of trust, which is crucial for change.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Every step toward change, no matter how small, is progress. Recognize and celebrate the efforts of your team. This positive reinforcement encourages others to stay on track.

Focusing on the people around you is key. Change doesn’t happen in isolation—it’s a collective effort. When your team sees your behavior, they’ll begin to align with that energy, sparking their own transformations.

Create Magical Ripples of Change

Once you’ve created this pocket of magic in your immediate environment, the next step is to extend its influence. It’s about creating ripples that move outward, touching others beyond your immediate circle. These ripples of change are subtle but powerful, and they can reach far and wide if sustained.

Here’s where Simon Sinek’s law of diffusion comes into play. According to Sinek, you don’t need to convince everyone to get on board with your vision. In fact, only 15-18% of people need to embrace the change before you reach a tipping point. At this point, the change gains momentum and spreads more naturally to the rest of the organization or team.

Here’s how to amplify those magical ripples:

  • Engage Early Adopters: Focus on the people who are naturally open to new ideas or who already align with your vision for change. These early adopters are essential because they help spread the message. Once they’re on board, they’ll influence others, extending your reach.
  • Inspire Through Action: People are more likely to embrace change when they see it in action rather than just hearing about it. Show them how the change works in real time. For example, if you’re advocating for more transparency in team meetings, model this by openly sharing information or ideas in your own meetings. Actions inspire more than words.
  • Let Go of Control: Once your ripples start, let go of the need to control every aspect of the change. Trust that the energy you’ve created will continue to spread and adapt in ways you might not expect. Allow others to take ownership of the change, and watch how they make it their own.

Reaching the Tipping Point

As your ripples of magic continue, you’ll eventually reach a tipping point. This is when enough people—around 15-18%, according to the law of diffusion—embrace the change, causing a shift in the wider team or environment. The momentum becomes unstoppable, and the change feels almost inevitable.

At this stage, the most important thing is to maintain the culture of openness, trust, and consistency that you’ve built. The tipping point is a fragile moment—it’s when the change is still taking root but hasn’t yet fully integrated into the fabric of your environment. Continue reinforcing the behaviors that sparked the change, and encourage others to do the same.

Pocket of Magic: A Sustainable Change

Creating this pocket of magic isn’t about short-term gains or temporary wins. It’s about creating an environment where positive change is sustainable, where people feel empowered to contribute, and where progress becomes part of the team’s DNA.

What starts as a small pocket of magic can expand, reaching beyond your team to the entire organization. You might influence how your boss approaches decision-making, or how different departments collaborate. But remember, it starts with you—your behavior, your commitment, and your belief in the change you want to create.

Conclusion: Change Starts With Us

Creating meaningful change doesn’t require a title or position of authority. It requires consistency, influence, and a clear understanding of how change spreads through human behavior. By focusing on your immediate team and environment, you can create ripples of positive change that extend far beyond what you might expect.

When 15-18% of people embrace that change, a tipping point is reached—and suddenly, what once felt difficult or impossible becomes the new norm.

So, start today. Create your pocket of magic, nurture it with small actions, and watch as it grows, influencing not just the people beside you, but the entire system. The power to change is already in your hands.

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Make Work Enjoyable: A Path to Fulfillment and Success

In today’s fast-paced world, work often becomes something we dread—a routine obligation we endure to make ends meet. But what if work didn’t have to feel like a burden? What if you could actually enjoy it, finding fulfillment, motivation, and even joy in your daily tasks? It’s not only possible but crucial for a happy and productive life.

In this post, we’ll explore a few simple yet powerful strategies to help you make work enjoyable. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, employee, or freelancer, these tips can be your guide to transforming how you approach your workday.

1. Align Your Work with Your Values

The first step toward enjoying work is ensuring it aligns with your personal values. When your work reflects what you believe in, every task feels more meaningful. Ask yourself: What do I stand for? Whether it’s creativity, helping others, or continuous learning, identify your core values and seek ways to integrate them into your work.

Example: If learning is one of your values, carve out time during your week to upskill or explore new areas related to your field. This can make even mundane tasks feel like a stepping stone to something bigger.

2. Focus on Growth, Not Perfection

Too often, we chase perfection in our tasks, creating unnecessary stress. Instead, shift your focus from perfection to progress. Celebrate small wins and milestones, understanding that growth is the true marker of success. This mindset removes pressure and encourages you to enjoy the learning process.

Pro Tip: Keep a journal to track your progress and accomplishments. Reflecting on what you’ve achieved can help you stay motivated and positive about your work.

3. Create a Positive Work Environment

Your physical and emotional environment significantly affects how you feel about work. A cluttered workspace, negative colleagues, or a lack of organization can drain your energy. Strive to create a work environment that fosters focus, creativity, and positivity.

  • Declutter your space for a clearer mind.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and inspire you.
  • Add personal touches to your workspace—photos, plants, or anything that sparks joy.

4. Take Breaks and Prioritize Well-being

Work can be exhausting if we push ourselves too hard without allowing time to recharge. Breaks aren’t a luxury; they’re essential for maintaining high energy levels and creativity. Adopt the Pomodoro Technique or schedule short breaks throughout your day to maintain productivity without burnout.

Moreover, take care of your physical and mental health. Regular exercise, mindfulness, and even short walks can drastically improve how you feel during the workday.

5. Develop Strong Relationships with Colleagues

Work is more enjoyable when you have positive relationships with your coworkers. Take time to connect with the people you work with—whether it’s sharing ideas, collaborating on projects, or simply chatting during breaks. Strong interpersonal bonds create a sense of community, making you feel more engaged and motivated.

Tip: Consider organizing a weekly coffee catch-up with colleagues or participating in team-building activities to strengthen these bonds.

6. Pursue Passion Projects on the Side

Sometimes, you may not have complete control over the nature of your work. However, if you pursue passion projects alongside your main job, you can still find joy and excitement in your career. Working on something that aligns with your passions can inject creativity and energy into your life, making even the most monotonous tasks more bearable.

7. Adopt a Mindful Mindset

One of the most effective ways to enjoy work is through mindfulness—being fully present in each moment without judgment. When we rush through tasks or constantly worry about future deadlines, we miss the opportunity to engage with what we’re doing. Practice mindfulness by focusing on one task at a time, paying attention to the details, and approaching your work with curiosity and openness.

8. Celebrate Wins, Big and Small

No matter how small, celebrating your successes can make work feel rewarding. Recognize your accomplishments and reward yourself in ways that matter—whether it’s treating yourself to something special or simply taking a moment to reflect on your progress.

Final Thoughts Making work enjoyable isn’t about having the perfect job. It’s about changing your perspective, building positive habits, and aligning your work with what matters most to you. When you approach your work with purpose, positivity, and mindfulness, you’ll find that not only does your work become more enjoyable, but you’ll also become more productive, creative, and fulfilled.

In the end, happiness at work isn’t a destination—it’s a journey. With the right mindset and tools, you can find joy in the process and achieve lasting fulfillment in your career.

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Dr Chris Van Tulleken: Why We Crave Junk Food and How to Stop

Blog Based on

I am not sure if i can do this justice a full watch of this Video is recommended

and the book


In our modern world, where convenience often takes precedence over health, many of us find ourselves succumbing to the allure of junk food. Dr. Chris Van Tulleken, a renowned medical doctor and television presenter, has extensively studied the reasons behind our cravings for unhealthy foods and offers practical solutions to curb this tendency. Understanding the science behind our cravings and implementing effective strategies can help us make healthier choices and improve our overall well-being.

The Science Behind Our Cravings

Dr. Van Tulleken explains that our cravings for junk food are rooted in our biology and the food industry’s manipulation of our natural instincts. Here are some key factors contributing to our cravings:

  1. Evolutionary Biology: Our ancestors relied on high-calorie foods for survival. In the past, when food was scarce, consuming energy-dense foods like fats and sugars was crucial for survival. Today, these instincts persist, driving us towards calorie-rich junk food.
  2. Food Engineering: The food industry employs sophisticated techniques to make junk food irresistible. These foods are engineered to hit the “bliss point,” a perfect combination of salt, sugar, and fat that triggers pleasure centers in our brains, making us crave more.
  3. Addictive Properties: Junk food can be as addictive as drugs. The combination of sugar and fat can lead to a release of dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical, creating a cycle of craving and consumption similar to addictive substances.
  4. Psychological Triggers: Stress, boredom, and emotional distress can trigger cravings for comfort foods. Junk food often provides a temporary sense of relief, reinforcing the habit of turning to unhealthy snacks in times of need.

Strategies to Curb Cravings

Understanding the reasons behind our cravings is only half the battle. Dr. Van Tulleken offers practical strategies to help us break free from the grip of junk food:

  1. Mindful Eating: Practicing mindfulness can help us become more aware of our eating habits and cravings. By paying attention to what we eat and how it makes us feel, we can make more conscious food choices.
  2. Healthy Substitutes: Replacing junk food with healthier alternatives can satisfy our cravings without the negative health impacts. Fresh fruits, nuts, and whole grains can provide the same pleasure without the guilt.
  3. Plan and Prepare: Planning meals and snacks ahead of time can help us avoid impulsive junk food consumption. Keeping healthy snacks readily available can reduce the temptation to reach for unhealthy options.
  4. Understand Labels: Becoming familiar with food labels and ingredients can help us make informed choices. Avoiding products with added sugars, artificial flavors, and unhealthy fats can significantly improve our diet.
  5. Hydration: Sometimes, our body confuses thirst with hunger. Staying well-hydrated can reduce unnecessary cravings and promote overall health.
  6. Sleep and Exercise: Adequate sleep and regular physical activity can regulate hormones that control hunger and cravings. A well-rested and active body is less likely to crave junk food.
  7. Seek Support: Making dietary changes can be challenging. Seeking support from friends, family, or a professional can provide the motivation and accountability needed to stay on track.

The Journey to Healthier Habits

Transitioning away from junk food is a journey that requires patience and persistence. Dr. Van Tulleken emphasizes the importance of understanding our cravings, making gradual changes, and celebrating small victories along the way. By implementing these strategies, we can take control of our eating habits and move towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Ultimately, breaking free from the grip of junk food is not just about willpower; it’s about understanding the science behind our cravings and making informed, mindful choices. With the guidance of experts like Dr. Chris Van Tulleken, we can empower ourselves to overcome these challenges and lead healthier, happier lives.

Find the Small Wins for Momentum and Confidence

In the grand scheme of life, it’s easy to focus solely on the big picture—the lofty goals, the major milestones, and the significant achievements. However, the path to these grand successes is often paved with numerous small victories. These small wins are not only essential for maintaining momentum but also for building and sustaining confidence. Let’s delve into why finding these small wins is crucial and how you can leverage them to propel yourself forward.

The Power of Small Wins

1. Building Momentum

Momentum is a powerful force. When we achieve small wins, we create a sense of progress. This progress fuels our drive, making it easier to tackle larger tasks. Think of it like pushing a car: getting it started takes a lot of effort, but once it’s moving, it requires less force to keep it rolling. Small wins act as the initial push, helping us build momentum and move steadily towards our bigger goals.

2. Boosting Confidence

Each small win reinforces our belief in our abilities. It’s a validation that we are capable and competent. This incremental build-up of confidence is crucial, especially when we face challenging tasks. Confidence gained from small wins provides the mental fortitude to take on more significant challenges without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Enhancing Motivation

Small wins generate positive emotions, which boost our motivation. The satisfaction and joy derived from these achievements create a positive feedback loop. The more we accomplish, the more motivated we become to continue working towards our goals. This motivation is essential for maintaining long-term dedication and perseverance.

How to Find and Celebrate Small Wins

1. Break Down Your Goals

Start by breaking down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. For instance, if your goal is to write a book, set smaller targets like writing a certain number of words each day or completing one chapter per month. Each of these smaller tasks is a win that brings you closer to your ultimate goal.

2. Keep a Win Journal

Maintain a journal where you record your daily or weekly accomplishments. This practice not only helps you recognize and remember your small wins but also provides a tangible reminder of your progress. On days when you feel stuck or demotivated, looking back at your win journal can rekindle your confidence and enthusiasm.

3. Celebrate Your Wins

Take time to celebrate your small wins, no matter how minor they may seem. Celebrations don’t have to be extravagant; even a simple acknowledgment or a small reward can be effective. Celebrating these victories reinforces the positive feelings associated with your progress and keeps you motivated.

4. Share Your Wins

Sharing your achievements with friends, family, or a supportive community can amplify the positive impact of small wins. Positive reinforcement and encouragement from others can boost your confidence and create a supportive network that celebrates your progress with you.

5. Reflect and Learn

Reflect on each small win and what contributed to your success. Understanding the factors that led to your achievements can provide valuable insights and help you replicate these strategies in future tasks. This reflective practice not only reinforces your learning but also enhances your problem-solving skills.

Real-Life Examples of Small Wins

1. Fitness Goals

If you’re aiming to run a marathon, start by celebrating the completion of shorter runs. Each milestone—whether it’s running a mile without stopping or completing a 5k—builds your endurance and confidence, making the ultimate marathon goal more attainable.

2. Professional Development

In your career, set small goals such as learning a new skill, completing a project, or receiving positive feedback from a client. Each of these accomplishments adds to your professional growth and confidence, paving the way for more significant career achievements.

3. Personal Growth

Personal development goals, like improving your mental well-being or adopting a new hobby, can also benefit from recognizing small wins. Celebrate moments like successfully meditating for a week or mastering a new recipe. These victories contribute to your overall sense of fulfillment and happiness.


In the journey of life, it’s the small wins that often make the biggest difference. They keep us moving forward, bolster our confidence, and enhance our motivation. By recognizing, celebrating, and building upon these small victories, we can maintain a steady momentum and navigate the path to our larger goals with greater ease and joy. So, take a moment to acknowledge your small wins today and watch how they transform your journey towards success.

The 15-Minute Reset: Transform Your Space with a Quick Tidy-Up

In our busy lives, finding time to maintain a tidy home can feel overwhelming. However, you don’t need hours to make a significant difference in your living space. Introducing the 15-Minute Reset—a quick and effective method to tidy up a room and create a more organized, stress-free environment.

Why a 15-Minute Reset?

The beauty of the 15-Minute Reset lies in its simplicity and manageability. Setting aside just 15 minutes to focus on one room can lead to noticeable improvements without feeling like a daunting task. This method capitalizes on the idea that small, consistent efforts can lead to big results over time.

How to Execute the 15-Minute Reset

  1. Set a Timer: Begin by setting a timer for 15 minutes. This creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay focused, ensuring that you make the most of this short period.
  2. Choose Your Room: Decide which room needs your attention the most. It could be your living room, kitchen, bedroom, or even your home office. Starting with the most cluttered or frequently used room can often provide the most immediate sense of accomplishment.
  3. Gather Your Supplies: Before you start, grab a few essential cleaning supplies: a trash bag for any garbage, a laundry basket for items that belong in other rooms, and a box or basket for items that need to be organized within the room.
  4. Start with Surfaces: Clear off any surfaces first—tables, countertops, desks. Put away items that have designated spots, toss out any trash, and gather items that belong elsewhere in the house.
  5. Tidy Up the Floors: Once the surfaces are clear, move on to the floors. Pick up any stray items and put them in their proper places. If you find things that belong in other rooms, place them in the laundry basket to be dealt with later.
  6. Quick Dust and Wipe: Use a dust cloth to quickly dust surfaces and a damp cloth to wipe down any sticky or dirty areas. This step helps to freshen up the room and gives it a cleaner appearance.
  7. Organize and Straighten: Take a few minutes to organize any cluttered areas. Straighten books, stack magazines, and ensure that items are neatly arranged. If you have time, do a quick sweep or vacuum to finish off.
  8. Final Touches: Once the timer goes off, take a step back and admire your work. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in just 15 minutes. If you have extra time, you can do a quick sweep or vacuum to finish off.

The Benefits of the 15-Minute Reset

  • Reduced Stress: A tidy room can significantly reduce stress and create a more peaceful environment. Knowing that you have a clean and organized space can help you relax and feel more in control.
  • Increased Productivity: A clutter-free area can boost your productivity, making it easier to focus on tasks without being distracted by mess and disorganization.
  • Maintenance Made Easy: By incorporating a 15-Minute Reset into your daily routine, you can keep your home consistently tidy without the need for extensive cleaning sessions.
  • Boosted Mood: There’s a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes from completing a small, manageable task. Tidying up can lift your mood and give you a positive start or end to your day.


The 15-Minute Reset is a powerful tool for maintaining a clean and organized home, even with a busy schedule. By dedicating just a small portion of your day to tidying up, you can create a more inviting and stress-free environment. Try incorporating this simple practice into your daily routine and experience the benefits of a tidy space without the overwhelm.

Don’t Let a Surge of Emotion Cause a Negative Spiral: Avoid the Domino Effect

Emotions are an integral part of the human experience, influencing our thoughts, actions, and decisions. However, when intense emotions surge, they can lead to a negative spiral, much like a row of dominos falling one after the other. Understanding how to manage these emotions is crucial to preventing a cascade of negativity that can impact various aspects of our lives. Here are some strategies to help you avoid letting a surge of emotion turn into a negative domino effect.

Recognizing the Domino Effect

The domino effect in the context of emotions refers to how one intense feeling can trigger a series of negative thoughts and actions, leading to more significant problems. For example, a single moment of anger might lead to harsh words, which can damage relationships, resulting in guilt and regret. Recognizing this pattern is the first step in preventing it.

Strategies to Prevent Emotional Dominos

  1. Pause and Reflect When you feel a surge of emotion, take a moment to pause and reflect before reacting. This brief pause allows you to gain perspective and consider the potential consequences of your actions. Deep breathing, counting to ten, or even stepping away from the situation can help you regain control.
  2. Identify Triggers Understanding what triggers your intense emotions can help you prepare and respond more effectively. Keep a journal to track situations or thoughts that lead to emotional surges. Over time, you can identify patterns and develop strategies to manage these triggers better.
  3. Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help you stay grounded and present. These techniques reduce the intensity of your emotions and increase your ability to respond calmly. Regular mindfulness practice can also enhance your overall emotional resilience.
  4. Challenge Negative Thoughts Intense emotions often come with a barrage of negative thoughts. Challenge these thoughts by questioning their validity and considering alternative perspectives. Cognitive-behavioral techniques can be particularly effective in reframing negative thoughts and preventing them from spiraling out of control.
  5. Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms Healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, hobbies, and socializing, can help you manage emotions constructively. Engaging in activities you enjoy can provide a positive outlet for your feelings and reduce the risk of a negative spiral.

Building Emotional Resilience

  1. Strengthen Your Support System Having a strong support system of friends, family, or a therapist can provide a buffer against emotional surges. Talking about your feelings with someone you trust can offer new perspectives and emotional relief.
  2. Cultivate Self-Compassion Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a friend. Self-compassion can help you navigate intense emotions without self-criticism, reducing the likelihood of a negative spiral.
  3. Set Boundaries Setting boundaries with others and yourself can prevent situations that trigger intense emotions. Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize your well-being. Boundaries can create a sense of control and stability in your life.
  4. Focus on Solutions When faced with a surge of emotion, focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. Problem-solving shifts your mindset from feeling overwhelmed to feeling empowered, reducing the impact of negative emotions.


Emotions are powerful and can influence our lives in profound ways. However, by recognizing the potential for a negative domino effect and employing strategies to manage our emotions, we can prevent a single surge from causing a cascade of negativity. Pause and reflect, identify triggers, practice mindfulness, challenge negative thoughts, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. By building emotional resilience and focusing on solutions, you can navigate life’s emotional challenges with greater ease and stability.

Remember, emotions are a part of being human, but they don’t have to control you. With mindful management and a proactive approach, you can break the chain of negative dominos and create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Don’t Be Sad, Annoyed, or Envious of Others: Focus and Concentrate on You

In a world where social media platforms display curated snapshots of people’s lives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. This comparison often leads to feelings of sadness, annoyance, or envy. However, these emotions are not only unproductive but also detrimental to our well-being and personal growth. Instead, focusing on our own journey and concentrating on self-improvement can lead to a more fulfilling and content life.

The Detrimental Effects of Negative Emotions

  1. Wasting Time and EnergyWhen we dwell on what others have or achieve, we squander precious time and energy that could be better spent on our own goals. Time is a finite resource, and every moment spent in envy or annoyance is a moment lost forever. Imagine the progress you could make if you redirected this energy towards your own aspirations.
  2. Eroding Self-WorthConstantly comparing ourselves to others can erode our self-worth and self-esteem. We may begin to feel inadequate, forgetting our unique strengths and achievements. This negative self-perception can hinder our ability to pursue our goals with confidence and determination.
  3. Creating Unnecessary StressEnvy and annoyance generate unnecessary stress and anxiety. This stress can affect our mental and physical health, leading to issues like depression, insomnia, and even cardiovascular problems. By letting go of these negative emotions, we can create a more peaceful and balanced state of mind.

Shifting Focus: Embracing Self-Improvement

  1. Set Personal GoalsInstead of focusing on what others have, set clear, achievable goals for yourself. Whether it’s advancing in your career, learning a new skill, or improving your health, having personal milestones to work towards can give you a sense of purpose and direction.
  2. Celebrate Your AchievementsTake time to acknowledge and celebrate your own accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Each step forward is a testament to your effort and determination. Recognizing your progress can boost your confidence and motivate you to keep moving forward.
  3. Practice GratitudeCultivate a habit of gratitude by regularly reflecting on the positive aspects of your life. This practice can shift your focus from what you lack to what you have, fostering a more positive and content outlook. Gratitude can also enhance your overall well-being and happiness.
  4. Invest in Personal GrowthEngage in activities that promote your personal growth and development. This could include reading books, taking courses, or practicing mindfulness and meditation. Investing in yourself not only improves your skills and knowledge but also reinforces your commitment to your own journey.

Building a Supportive Environment

  1. Surround Yourself with PositivitySurround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. A supportive and positive social circle can help you stay focused on your goals and remind you of your worth. Distance yourself from those who bring negativity or encourage comparison.
  2. Seek Inspiration, Not ComparisonUse the success of others as inspiration rather than a yardstick for your own achievements. Understand that everyone’s journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Let others’ success stories motivate you to work harder on your own goals.
  3. Engage in Mindfulness PracticesMindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing can help you stay grounded and present. These practices can reduce stress and enhance your ability to focus on the here and now, rather than getting lost in comparisons and negative emotions.


Being sad, annoyed, or envious of others is a natural human tendency, but it is neither productive nor beneficial. By shifting our focus to self-improvement and personal growth, we can lead more fulfilling and content lives. Remember, your journey is unique, and your progress is a reflection of your dedication and effort. Concentrate on your own path, celebrate your achievements, and invest in your personal growth. In doing so, you will find greater peace, happiness, and success.

Perception: Adjusting Our Lens on Reality

Perception is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. It shapes our understanding of the world, influencing how we interact with our environment and the people within it. Imagine perception as a camera lens, adjustable and capable of capturing different views depending on the angle and focus. In this blog post, we will explore the analogy of perception as an adjustable lens, delve into the concept of 3D goggles, and consider the experience of color blindness to illustrate how our perception can be limited and enriched.

The Lens Analogy: Adjusting Our View

Perception can be likened to an adjustable camera lens. When we look at a scene through a camera, changing the lens or the settings can drastically alter the image we capture. Similarly, our perception of reality can be adjusted by shifting our perspective, trying new experiences, and challenging our assumptions.

Imagine standing at a scenic overlook. One person might focus on the majestic mountains in the distance, while another might notice the intricate details of the wildflowers at their feet. Both are valid perspectives, shaped by individual interests and experiences. By consciously adjusting our lens, we can appreciate different aspects of the same scene, gaining a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world around us.

3D Goggles: Adding Depth to Our Perception

3D goggles enhance our perception by adding depth to a previously flat image. When we put on 3D goggles at a movie theater, what was once a two-dimensional picture suddenly becomes a vivid, immersive experience. This transformation mirrors how expanding our perception can add depth and richness to our lives.

Consider how traveling to a new country can change our perception of cultural norms. Experiencing different traditions, cuisines, and ways of life can broaden our understanding, making us more empathetic and open-minded. Similarly, learning a new skill or hobby can provide a fresh perspective, allowing us to see the world through a different lens.

By embracing new experiences and viewpoints, we can enhance our perception, much like putting on a pair of 3D goggles.

Color Blindness: Understanding Perceptual Limitations

Color blindness is a condition where individuals perceive colors differently due to the absence or malfunction of certain color-detecting cells in their eyes. This condition highlights the fact that our perception is not always an accurate representation of reality but is instead shaped by our biological limitations.

For someone with color blindness, the vibrant hues of a sunset might appear muted or indistinguishable. This doesn’t make their perception less valid, but it does differ from the norm. Understanding color blindness can teach us valuable lessons about the diversity of human perception.

Just as we use corrective lenses to improve our vision, we can employ strategies to overcome our perceptual limitations. Educating ourselves about different viewpoints, practicing mindfulness to stay present, and actively seeking out new experiences can help us see beyond our innate biases and expand our understanding of the world.

Conclusion: Embracing Perceptual Flexibility

Our perception is a powerful tool that shapes our reality. By adjusting our lens, donning metaphorical 3D goggles, and recognizing the limitations of our perception, we can enrich our understanding and interactions with the world.

Cultivating an open and flexible perception allows us to appreciate the beauty of diversity and complexity in life. It enables us to navigate our personal and professional lives with greater empathy, creativity, and mindfulness. So, let’s embrace the adjustable nature of our perception, continually striving to see the world through different lenses and enriching our lives in the process.